"They weren't sent to make me look kind and generous. They were sent to reward you for being so brave and uncomplaining and to make up for the world being a bit of a bummer to you at the mo. I simply wanted to make you feel a bit better".
She has succeeded, because they have so cheered me up and throught this post I want to say thank you so very very much, it seems inadquate for such a wonderful heartfelt gesture. I adore all flowers........figure this is pretty evident from my work and as you can see, these ones are absolutely beautiful.
For those of you not up to speed........it's seems innapropriate to keep rattling on about this ongoing jaw/teeth sage day in and day out - I want you to enjoy coming to my blog, not frighten you away with horror stories.......so breifly, second batch of high strength antibiotics still not working and the infection got so bad over the weekend that 6am this morning the hospital carried out a horrid procedure to put a drain into my gum - I'll say no more that that - promise........ except I can't talk much and there's great relief abounding here........dinner with no mention of distressing, challenges or anything remotely crafty. That has to be a first.
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