Sunday, May 9, 2010

Golden roses

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday, here in the Fens the rain has stopped at last and the suns making a reasonable effort, but judging by the clouds it won't be around too long.

And it's the last day of the Premiership, I'll miss my footie like crazy, but we do have the world cup coming up.......not sure if that is good or not, but we can but hope for positive things. An yesterdays 20/20 match was exciting so more of that to come this week.

A card to share for this weeks Penny Black challenge where they have a sketch......and a perfect chance to use some of the new goodies from Sir Sampalot on one of my sample cards. As usual when I saw the circles I freaked, I always struggle with them, heavens knows why. Also a couple of new ones for me, well at least it's a long while since I entered so thought it was time. They are Flutterby Wednesday, plus two both celebrating their Birthday and have that the, Stamp Something and Simon Says.

I drew my colour inspiration from this pretty Cosmo Cricket DP and coloured my main image Penny Black PB40-021 For Goodness Sake with Copics. I stamped the image three times and decoupages and masked the base image to stamp the fence which is from Magnolia Tilda collection. The cobbles, flowers and grasses and Art Impressions. The large rose is one of the scummy new ones from Magnolia........have you seen the colours, how to choose.......well you can't really, so it's probably no surprise I have a bag of them sitting in my craft room along with the lovely matching beady leaves.

The sentiment is Hobby Art GR435. I cut the second circle on the sketch from a doily with a Nestie, the middle panel was run through the Big Shot with a Cuttlebug folder and the border are Martha Stewart doily lace. Some lace, ribbon, gems and pounced butterflies to finish.

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